Perspectives on Life

No matter what we have come through, or how many perils we have safely passed, or how many imperfect and jagged - in some places perhaps irreparably - our life has been, we cannot in our heart of hearts imagine how it could have been different. As we look back on it, it slips in behind us in orderly array, and, with all its mistakes, acquires a sort of eternal fitness, and even, at times, of poetic glamour.
Randolph Silliman Bourne

[ 28 February 2005 2:10 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]


Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
-- Thomas A. Edison

[ 24 February 2005 11:30 pm submitted by Unknown | 1 comments | Post your own? ]

Foobaz's Rules for Life

  1. If something sucks, fix it (this basic yet important rule is reflected in many common Wikipedia attitudes, such as Be Bold and Template:Sofixit)
  2. Small is beautiful (Ockham's Razor follows)
  3. Be positive, not negative
  4. Anything worth doing is worth doing right (don't do anything halfway)
  5. Don't take any guff from these fucking swine (it only encourages them)
  6. Never whistle while you're pissing (only do as much as you can focus on)
  7. Good enough is good enough (don't obsess)
  8. Know your enemy
  9. Once you're in love you're pretty much fucked
-- Foobaz, a Wikipedian

[ 19 February 2005 11:53 pm submitted by Unknown | 2 comments | Post your own? ]

God as a comedian

God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
-- Voltaire

[ 4:58 am submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

As Well as They Can

As well as it can, the hooked fish while it dies,
Gasping for life, threshing in terror and pain,
Its torn mouth parched, grit in its delicate eyes,

As well as he can, the poet, blind, betrayed
Distracted by the groaning mill, among
The jostle of slaves, the clatter, the lash of trade,
As well as I can, my heart in this bleak air,
The empty days, the waste nights since you went,
Recalls your warmth, your smile, the grace and stir
-- A. D. Hope

[ 14 February 2005 2:56 am submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]


But the speed was power, and the speed was joy, and the speed was pure beauty.
-- Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

[ 10 February 2005 11:38 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

"The Gruffalo"

Sorry about the set of long poems, all at once, but I think these few are brilliant - particularly this one! Ain't it the cutest?
A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood.
A fox saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good.

"Where are you going to, little brown mouse?
Come and have lunch in my underground house."

"It's terribly kind of you, Fox, but no –
I'm going to have lunch with a gruffalo."

"A gruffalo? What's a gruffalo?"
"A gruffalo! Why, didn't you know?

He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws,
And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws."

"Where are you meeting him?"
"Here, by these rocks,
And his favourite food is roasted fox."

"Roasted fox! I'm off!" Fox said.
"Goodbye, little mouse," and away he sped.

"Silly old Fox! Doesn't he know,
There's no such thing as a gruffalo?"

On went the mouse through the deep dark wood.
An owl saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good.

"Where are you going to, little brown mouse?
Come and have tea in my treetop house."

"It's terribly kind of you, Owl, but no –
I'm going to have tea with a gruffalo."

"A gruffalo? What's a gruffalo?"
"A gruffalo! Why, didn't you know?

He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes,
And a poisonous wart at the end of his nose."

"Where are you meeting him?"
"Here, by this stream,
And his favourite food is owl ice cream."

"Owl ice cream! Toowhit toowhoo!"
"Goodbye, little mouse," and away Owl flew.

"Silly old Owl! Doesn't he know,
There's no such thing as a gruffalo?"

On went the mouse through the deep dark wood.
A snake saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good.

"Where are you going to, little brown mouse?
Come for a feast in my logpile house."

"It's terribly kind of you, Snake, but no –
I'm having a feast with a gruffalo."

"A gruffalo? What's a gruffalo?"
"A gruffalo! Why, didn't you know?

His eyes are orange, his tongue is black,
He has purple prickles all over his back."

"Where are you meeting him?"
"Here, by this lake,
And his favourite food is scrambled snake."

"Scrambled snake! It's time I hid!"
"Goodbye, little mouse," and away Snake slid.

"Silly old Owl! Doesn't he know,
There's no such thing as a gruffal...?"


But who is this creature with terrible claws
And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws?
He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes,
And a poisonous wart at the end of his nose.
His eyes are orange, his tongue is black,
He has purple prickles all over his back.

"Oh help! Oh no!
It's a gruffalo!"

"My favourite food!" the Gruffalo said.
"You'll taste good on a slice of bread!"

"Good?" said the mouse. "Don't call me good!
I'm the scariest creature in this wood.
Just walk behind me and soon you'll see,
Everyone is afraid of me."

"All right," said the Gruffalo, bursting with laughter.
"You go ahead and I'll follow after."

They walked and walked till the Gruffalo said,
"I hear a hiss in the leaves ahead."

"It's Snake," said the mouse. "Why, Snake, hello!"
Snake took one look at the Gruffalo.
"Oh crumbs!" he said, "Goodbye, little mouse!"
And off he slid to his logpile house.

"You see?" said the mouse. "I told you so."
"Amazing!" said the Gruffalo.

They walked some more till the Gruffalo said,
"I hear a hoot in the trees ahead."

"It's Owl," said the mouse. "Why, Owl, hello!"
Owl took one look at the Gruffalo.
"Oh dear!" he said, "Goodbye, little mouse!"
And off he flew to his treetop house.

"You see?" said the mouse. "I told you so."
"Astounding!" said the Gruffalo.

They walked some more till the Gruffalo said,
"I can hear feet on the path ahead."

"It's Fox," said the mouse. "Why, Fox, hello!"
Fox took one look at the Gruffalo.
"Oh help!" he said, "Goodbye, little mouse!"
And off he ran to his underground house.

"Well, Gruffalo," said the mouse. "You see?
Everyone is afraid of me!
But now my tummy's beginning to rumble.
My favourite food is – gruffalo crumble!"

"Gruffalo crumble!" the Gruffalo said,
And quick as the wind he turned and fled.

All was quiet in the deep dark wood.
The mouse found a nut and the nut was good.
-- Julia Donaldson

[ 11:05 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

"Poem for Everyone"

I will present you
if you are patient and tender.
I will open drawers
that mostly stay closed
and bring out places and people and things
sounds and smells,
loves and frustrations,
hopes and sadnesses,
bits and pieces of three decades of life
that have been grabbed off
in chunks
and found lying in my hands.
they have eaten
their way into my memory,
carved their way into
my heart.
- you or i will never see them -
they are me.
if you regard them lightly,
deny that they are important
or worse, judge them
i will quietly, slowly,
begin to wrap them up,
in small pieces of velvet,
like worn silver and gold jewelry,
tuck them away
in a small wooden chest of drawers

and close.
-- John T. Wood, 1974

[ 11:02 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

The End of Love

Though thou loved her as thyself,
As a self of purer clay,
Though her parting dims the day,
Stealing grace from all alive;
Heartily know,
When half-gods go,
The gods arrive.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

[ 10:31 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

I'm Only Sleeping

Keepin' an eye, on the world going by my window,
Takin' the time,
Lyin' there and starin' at the ceiling,
Waiting for, that sleepy feelin',
Please don't spoil my day, I'm miles away,
And after all, I'm only sleeping
-- John Lennon, I'm Only Sleeping

[ 05 February 2005 10:53 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

Fly porn

Flies go out with a bang
Dead drunk, in the name of Science.
At least they get laid.

Horny little bugs,
Short-lived, but so romantic!
Human males take note.
-- Gwynne

[ 02 February 2005 11:24 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

Change, loss

Footsteps on the staircase,
but they're new ones.
The hand that puts fish on the saucer
has changed, too.

Something doesn't start
at its usual time.
Something doesn't happen
as it should.
Someone was always, always here,
then suddenly disappeared
and stubbornly stays disappeared.

-- Wislawa Szymborska,
Cat in an Empty Apartment

[ 01 February 2005 2:26 pm submitted by Unknown | 1 comments | Post your own? ]