Six word stories

"For sale: baby shoes, never used."

-- Ernest Hemmingway (attributed)

Caterina asked her web audience to come up with their own six word stories, and they responded in force. The following are some of my favourites.

Leave that alone; remember Mary's scab.

-- Dean

I loved; I lost; I'm sorry.

-- Slashchick

and then she went to sleep.

-- Linda

She watched the world end. Again.

-- Chuq Von Rospach

They lived, they suffered, they died.

-- Mike's Ancient History Professor

"She said nothing could go wrong."

-- Derek Powazek

Walking home, she regained her virginity.

-- Jim Lyon

It wasn't her fault. Not entirely.
The audience applauded, as he wept.

-- Tom Bridge

today, I threw her toothbrush away.

-- Marcus

Happy: My pillow still smells of her.
Sad: My pillow still smells of her.

-- Filip

The sun rose one last time.

-- Keith

[ 05 October 2006 1:34 am submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

Full Circle

Interestingly, the name has come full circle, entering Israeli Hebrew as the name [..] Shon, which derives from English Shawn, which derives from Irish Seán, which derives from French Jean, which derives from Latin Johann (variants: Iohann and Ivan v is pronounced as 'u'), a simplification of Johannes, which derives from Greek Ιωαννης, Iōhannēs, which was loaned from Mishnaic Hebrew [..] Yôḥānān during the Second Temple Period, after John the Apostle.

-- John (name) on Wikipedia

[ 04 October 2006 7:52 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]

To use violence successfully

Neoconservatives seem to fear that America -- by braving the perils of dissent and democracy -- will be similarly weakened. Part of what makes America "great" is, theoretically at least, its reluctance to use force against other nations. Yet, fearful that standards such as this place us at a disadvantage in the real world, some neoconservatives advocate that America needs to win a war somewhere, to use violence successfully. Their insecurity would have us violate American values -- to mirror the hideous brutality of less open societies -- in order to preserve them.

-- Jason DeParle, Why Gandhi Drives the Neoconservatives Crazy, from the Washington Monthly, September 1983

[ 5:26 pm submitted by Unknown | 0 comments | Post your own? ]