We [Muslims] need to start having a more inclusive attitude. We need to be the change we would like to see in the world.
We are a piece of the greater puzzle of this world. We share it with other peoples, and other nations, with hopes and aspirations of their own. The Muslim today, as a pan-ethnic, pan-national identity, has much to be proud of. Our contributions to the world are many and lasting. We are intrinsically and inextricably part of the family of humanity, and though people like Mr. Wilders and others like him seek to dehumanize us as “the other,” belittle our grievances, and seek to exclude us from pursuing happiness like everyone else, we should know better.
Labels: hope, islam, we
[ 16 February 2009 1:35 am submitted by Unknown
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Looking back on today
I don't think [Slashdot] will exist in 5-10 years. We can see that it is being torn asunder even now, as the weight of its users grows apace and the number of users exceeds 300k, 400k , 500k where will it stop? Also, there is a migration of the most intelligent users away to kuro5hin, which is a much more innovative weblog than /., and is a community rather than a mob.
Ultimately, I don't think Slashdot will exist in 5 years time for technological reasons. Eventually everyone will have huge bandwidth and something else will spring up to take /.'s place. I consider Slashdot to be a hiatus between Usenet and the next big thing.
Regarding Karma, I agree. It really doesn't matter a hoot, and 'Karma Whores' appear to be a thing of the past with the advent of the Karma Cap. However, it really would be better for /. if Karma were invisisble to the user, that way the pointless competitive aspect would not occur.
I just wish the people that harass me would get the message and go away. They really are annoying, and appear to have the wrong end of the stick.
Labels: history, slashdot, the past
[ 09 February 2009 1:29 am submitted by Unknown
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